The Roussos Salon

So what is a #sceenqueen to do when it's the holiday season and pretty much everything is closing down? I decided to keep myself busy exploring (and installing) the collection of local curator and passionate art collector Koulla Roussos in her tropical treehouse home.

Koulla has her fingers in a lot of pies! Dedicated to the presentation and promotion of local contemporary art as both curator and artist with a swathe of independently curated shows under her belt, Koulla continues to encourage, facilitate and enliven the art scene here; and this is reflected in her growing collection of Top End contemporary art. 

To be honest we’ve been talking about getting together to sort and hang at least some of Koulla’s collection since last Xmas, and since then it has grown even more; to the point where her lounge room and study were practically an installation of cubic bubble-wrap forms and brown paper.

With a few good solid hours work over two weekends, some smelly cheese and the best lentils ever! We have managed a handful of salon hangs of what is a pretty eclectic mix, also, a great demonstration of Koulla’s commitment to supporting local contemporary artists in her home town. Nice work Roussos!

Dining Room salon hang featuring: David Collins, Coco Me-cham, Simon Cooper, Chayni Henry, Rob Brown, Emily Kame Knwarreye, Franck Gohier, Tobias Richardson, Matthew van Roden

Dining Room salon hang featuring: David Collins, Coco Me-cham, Simon Cooper, Chayni Henry, Rob Brown, Emily Kame Knwarreye, Franck Gohier, Tobias Richardson, Matthew van Roden